A Peter Warlock Merry-Go-Down – Review by BBC Music Magazine
"If you want a one-stop guide to the range of Warlock's interests, his lively curiosity, brilliant wit, sense of folk tradition and musical history, you could hardly do better.” ★★★
"If you want a one-stop guide to the range of Warlock's interests, his lively curiosity, brilliant wit, sense of folk tradition and musical history, you could hardly do better.” ★★★
“The opening A minor String Quartet is so lyrical there must surely be words to go with it. Wonderful. ★★★★★”
Jeremy Pound is a reviewer for BBC Music Magazine.
“Terrific album.” ★★★★
“American composer Locklair really knows how to pack a punch, even without such adornments; the Royal Holloway singers shine in what is a largely an a cappella programme. Divine.” ★★★★
"Couched in contemporary jazz and Latin-fused tonalities and rhythms” ★★★
"Rich in suggestion, atmosphere and sensuousness” ★★★★
Michael Beek is a reviewer for BBC Music Magazine.
“A recording to cherish” ★★★★★
Charlotte Smith is a reviewer for BBC Music Magazine.