O Beata Virgo Maria – Review by Organists’ Review

“The performances were always full of interest and pleasure...David Bray and luminatus must be congratulated warmly.”

27th August 2024

O Beata Virgo Maria – Review by Organists’ Review

“The performances were always full of interest and pleasure...David Bray and luminatus must be congratulated warmly.”

27th August 2024

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After a momentarily slightly shaky start from the upper voices (this may have been a recording or transcription anomaly), the opening item ushered in a highly effective account of Marenzio’s motet Iste sanctus pro lege (1585). The choir used the acoustic to good effect – and from this initial piece the performances were always full of interest and pleasure.

For me, the Guerrero Missa iste sanctus produced the highlight. Which is not to say that the rest of the performances were not excellent – they were – but the combination of composer, choir, director, and acoustic came together fulsomely here.

The programme also featured contemporary works by Melissa Dunphy, Kerensa Briggs, and Cecilia McDowell – each having their own take on the overall theme. The contrasts, to my mind, did exactly what is needed to balance renaissance and present day aspects of such music-making.

At times, though, the lower voices appeared to use a slightly edgy tone, contrasting with the upper strands ethereal singing. But the conception as a whole was entirely pleasant and informative.

David Bray and luminatus must be congratulated warmly for this performance – and I know I shall be revisiting the CD for a variety of reasons.

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After a momentarily slightly shaky start from the upper voices (this may have been a recording or transcription anomaly), the opening item ushered in a highly effective account of Marenzio’s motet Iste sanctus pro lege (1585). The choir used the acoustic to good effect – and from this initial piece the performances were always full of interest and pleasure.

For me, the Guerrero Missa iste sanctus produced the highlight. Which is not to say that the rest of the performances were not excellent – they were – but the combination of composer, choir, director, and acoustic came together fulsomely here.

The programme also featured contemporary works by Melissa Dunphy, Kerensa Briggs, and Cecilia McDowell – each having their own take on the overall theme. The contrasts, to my mind, did exactly what is needed to balance renaissance and present day aspects of such music-making.

At times, though, the lower voices appeared to use a slightly edgy tone, contrasting with the upper strands ethereal singing. But the conception as a whole was entirely pleasant and informative.

David Bray and luminatus must be congratulated warmly for this performance – and I know I shall be revisiting the CD for a variety of reasons.

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